Fake news
There have been may reported cases of fake news such as,
when the Democratic senators wanted to impose sharia in Florida, who was a
trump nominee for national security adviser. Flynn tweeted that the Democrats
were involved with “sex crimes with Children. A false report also said that
trump supports were chanting “we hate Muslims, we hate blacks, we want out
great country back” this was reported as true on election night.
I think that this problem with Fake news is really interesting
because it shows how news can really effect a nation as a whole. Especially
with the election as a whole and how during the whole election people were sure
that Hilary was going to win where as in the end Trump won. Trump has been
complaining about this fake news problem for a while because he either doesn’t
want to get exposed for something that he’s done or that it’s starting to
become a problem with his whole presidency.